(An Ed Okun illustration that inspires my knitting fingers, because you do ‘smell” a lovely beret just itching to be hatched from yarn needles, don’t you?! So do I think so, too!)
From top to bottom, then out my striped toes, I am excited ! A table whose whole self is not unlike the lookback a BIGly, red-dotted toadstool sees when its busy-ness is all about mirror-gazing, arrived by delivery wheels yesterday! The plan: to put it to special~seance good use on the day that falls on my birthday, come this October! Along side me please be delighted? Ahead be such enchanting fun and magical ghostly frolic! (About it will be more future words, this is my pledge.)
From top to bottom, then out my striped toes, I am excited ! A table whose whole self is not unlike the lookback a BIGly, red-dotted toadstool sees when its busy-ness is all about mirror-gazing, arrived by delivery wheels yesterday! The plan: to put it to special~seance good use on the day that falls on my birthday, come this October! Along side me please be delighted? Ahead be such enchanting fun and magical ghostly frolic! (About it will be more future words, this is my pledge.)
Oh my...So my curiosity is peeked! I do so hope we mustn't wait till this October to spy your new acquisition....
ReplyDeleteHello, Miss Jeanne, your day was kind to you, I hope? Yes indeed! Artist friend Parch came up with a table after a toadstool when he heard that I am taking measurements for an October seance. (Decidedly, Parch is a rip~off artist: he “borrows” other people’s ideas.“I can name that tune in three notes!” so says his motto. Meaning being he can always, always make something for less than the original artist/inventor’s asking price.) For some reason, he felt a mushroom shape was “the only way to go.”.
ReplyDeleteYes, my birthday happens on the 28th day of the Halloween month. My pal, Josiette, will be coming for Tricks or Treats and the annual blowing out of candles, too! And, the BIG seance as well!! I’m sure Parch will be there, too. He is keen on seances, especially when served with a side order of birthday cake, which would be birthday pie, in my case. I do apologise. My words are as excited as I am about all these up~comings to look forward to, and are "bouncing" about like juggler's balls falling! lol!