Early in the day, yesterday, walled up in Gemmama’s library and then sunk deeply, I came across an old paper scrap pressed into an even older book. On it and in a most beautiful hand was written “ Sunshine... Sometimes it comes from the sky, sometimes you have to generate it yourself. ~~P.K.”
It wasn’t until later in the afternoon that I allowed myself to finally un-immerse ~~but only long enough to concoct a steamy, warm cup of "brew." (Regrettably, not an absorbing receipt, this measure. There isn’t an enchanting secret formula for instant decaf! lol) Out the kitchen window, I discovered it was a beautiful day during which a slight, sudden rain had just fallen and LO AND BEHOLD! My eyes were clutching at what had to have been, once and mere moments ago, a most wonderous rainbow! It was like

with a dash of light-headed happy!
Truly, this be one of those instances when the sky was doing the generating! Thank you, raindrops!
Coincidently (or no?), the aforementioned found-bookmarker was holding a place where a lovely image of a rainbow was displayed with this passage on its page as well:
“Imagine for a moment that you could taste a slice of a rainbow or even hold it in your hands. Doesn’t that make you feel a lot better? It looks as if

it tastes like sherbet.
Does it?”
Most likely!
And might I be so bold as to offer
a personal estimation of mine?
Everything tastes better
when eaten from a sherbet glass.
Especially if it the dish be

coned and footed.
And most decidedly, if it’s

Thank yous to photographer Andrew G. Saffas, and David Perlman The San Francisco Chronicle (article), Rainbow sherbet/Foodzings.com, and Pie/Cakespy
If anyone is interested in casting the Rainbow Cookie Cake Pie (pictured above) spell, whose receipt calls for an entire batch of cookie dough (Imagine that!), I’d happily post it here. Because *crosses arms over chest, I Dream of Jeannie-style* Your wish is my command!
ReplyDeleteWhat a marvelous post!! It truly is a rainbow to brighten my morning!
ReplyDeleteYou have a lovely way with words.... :0)
Did someone mention Cookie, Cake, & Pie all in one sentence? Sounds delish!
Merry Merry, Jeanne! Thank you for your kindness! In case you want to sink your teeth into the "delish," here's the receipt:
ReplyDelete(PLEASE TO NOTE: Remember to stretch before lifting this concoction in and out of the oven; likely it will be the heaviest pie you’ll ever bake!)
Cookie Cake Pie
~batch of cookie dough (I go with the original NESTLE TOLL HOUSE Chocolate Chip Cookies receipt offered on the side of the bag.)
~batch of cake batter (*momentarily channels G. Washington* I cannot tell a lie. *snaps back* To save time, I use store-bought: Betty Crocker’s Supper Moist “Party Rainbow Chip” ~~It’s got pudding in the mix and, if you know me, and I know I do, I always “hope they have pudding”! Betty does, so this box makes the grade!)
~one pie crust
~enough frosting for a layer cake
~colorful Sprinkles
After making the cookie dough, leave it to the side. Prepare a pie crust. After nesting it into a pie plate, evenly press a one inch-thickness of cookie dough inside the pie crust. (BONUS: You’ll have leftover cookie dough enough for one giant cookie for later-date snacking, or to give to the mailman because he is nice and could probably use fortifying. Those mail bags are heavy!) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Let the “crust” rest while you mix the cake batter. Pour the batter on top of the cookie dough, filling the pan to 2/3 full, leaving room for the cake to rise. (GOOD NEWS: You can count on having extra cake batter. Live it up!) Bake for thirty to forty minutes. (After the twenty-five minute mark, keep your pie-eye focused. You’ll want to keep checking for doneness, as you’ll be taking the “rainbow’ out of the oven when the cake has golden brown edges.) Cool completely after removing from the oven. Then Generously (with a capital “G”) frost and sprinkle with pretty, edible do-dads. Start gobbling!
You are SO right. Things taste better when they are presented in cute little footed glasses/bowls.
ReplyDeleteEvery word in this post is infused with such a sweet energy! You must be a giggly happy witchy girl! I'm all about creating my own sunshine, if I must, so I adored this post. Almost as much as I love the name of your blog.
ReplyDeleteLuna is one of my favorite Harry Potter characters. I wish the movies portrayed her more like the character in the books.
My, Oh My! Me thinks 5 pounds were added on to me just while reading! LOL :0)
ReplyDeleteI must try this. And I know the mailman (or UPS Dude or even the FedEx Guy) would love to have some cookies! :0)
Thank you so much for sharing! ♥